
Friday FunDay is Bursting with Color

Hi everybody! As I write this note, my garden is bursting in to bloom in nearly every corner — the fruits of planting hundreds and hundreds of daffodils, tulips, fritillaries, and more the last few falls. Amidst this season of uncertainty, I am finding such peace, hope, and joy in the unfurling of life in the natural — albeit cultivated — world. A reminder to keep your heart abloom! Our hearts (in essence, our spirits, our attitudes, our way of being) are so precious, we must protect them fiercely and feed them joyful, loving messages. Off to sew masks for the family today, AND what I’m really looking forward to: working on more drawings of positivity to be soon available as digital downloads. xoxo 

Speaking of keeping your Heart Abloom, here are some exuberant cards our team has been working on this week.... get ready to be dazzled! 

Barbara Walker | Heart Abloom digital

Barbara Campbell | Bees in Foxglove digital, Small But Mighty Affirmations

Lisa Johansen | Follow Your Heart digital

Stacy Morgan | Loving Tulips 

Christine Okken | Time to Fly digital

Julie Koerber | Sweet Peas digital, M-Powering Words 

Leslie Miller | Let It Be free digital

Broni Holcombe | Sassy Succulents

I appreciate you stopping by today! If you are waiting on an order from Power Poppy, rest assured that orders will be shipped out today — I ran out of envelopes after the big sale, but more arrived yesterday afternoon. :) So grateful for those still able to work to deliver needed goods. 

Be well, friends. XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Marcella for your lovely post,
    stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts.

I love to hear what you’re thinking and I read and appreciate each and every note!
