Have you noticed the gigantic globes of Allium in bloom? They are like huge lollipops in shades of purple, pink, blue, or white that tower over many other plants and put on a spectacular show in the garden. They look like something from the Wizard of Oz! The trick with these giant Alliums ('Globemaster' is a particular favorite cultivar)—once you see them, you may yearn to have them in your garden. You may want to plant a few as an accent with companion plants, or yearn to dig up an area of the yard just to have an Allium showcase! They are that cool. Above they are planted in my mom and stepdad’s garden, along with big round boxwood shrubs, and underplanted with spiderwort and columbine, which reseed themselves wherever they choose.
These big beauties are fanciful and fun and total eyecatchers, and almost always garner admirers doing the “slow drive” past the garden when they are blooming. Alliums come in zillions of sizes and varieties to be sure (from teeny tiny balls of brilliant blue and the deepest shades of red, to wild, wispier species with yellow flowers!), and go through several interesting phases of bloom (the buds themselves are particularly snappy, and the seedheeds left on each stalk after the flowers finish up are cool enough to be left up all year long!) so this new digi set I’m going to share with you today is probably not the last time you’ll be seeing Alliums show up in my sketchbook or stamp collection!
Presenting a new set that highlights awesome Alliums— AND — Poppies! (Plus a little catnip for good measure.) I couldn’t let the clear stamps be the only media that our beloved Poppies would show their faces, now could I? Check out Garden Fireworks!
This is a digital image that I believe you’ll find is pretty darn versatile. Feel like coloring up an entire garden scene? Go for it. Want to enlarge it, crop in tight, and show off a few flowers, do it to it. Wanna shrink it down and repeat it to create a bouncy border? You can have a ball with this image and get several various looks. Plus the coloring possibilities!!! Garden Fireworks will help you try combinations of purples, pinks, and blues, and that’s only the start. We’ve already talked about how Poppies come in umpteen shades and styles, now it’s time for you to see how you can stretch yourself to pair up the Poppies with these other plants, and create a riot of color and festive garden fun.
The sentiment in this set is a lovely and inspiring piece of Scripture that you may want to use on its own, alongside the image, or showcase on the interior of a card, and I’ll let our incredible Instant Gardeners team show you how beautifully these two can be used. Be prepared for some real coloring and cardmaking fireworks, folks!!
Thank you so much for coming by to see the newest botanical blossoms from Power Poppy! As always, this DIGITAL set is available from the Power Poppy Shop right now, so you can be coloring this baby today!

Marcella, the stamp and scripture are beautiful. Your girls did this image justice...God Bless you and your team.
wauwwwwww these are wonderfull its realy my favorite flower the gorgeous purple collour, they looked like you can pick them!!
love petra from the netherlands
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