For everyone who knows that I am a music lover/fanatic/junkie, you may have been wondering just how long it would be before I would design a stamp set devoted to that divine topic: MUSIC! It heals hearts, it lifts up the spirit, it makes people gosh-darn happy!
Growing up I was surrounded by my folks’ record collection... the sounds of Motown, Stax Records from Memphis (which is now the American Museum of Soul Music and Doug and I recently toured it — swoooon!!), of course the Beatles and the Beach Boys and all the “golden oldies” really were the soundtrack of my childhood. Sprinkled in with hard bop jazz (my Daddy’s favorite), and influenced by my brother Andy’s hip hop and rap cassettes (taped from a friend’s cassette, who probably taped it off the radio), I went on to discover funk, ska, punk, skateboard rock, moody Brit pop and dance electronica ... and girl, we haven’t even gotten to the part yet where I started working in a record store in high school and my world exploded with a new variety of musical genres I’d never even heard of. The list of favorites just grew and grew, into country and metal and power pop and classical and, and, and...
OK, so, yeah, a music set was in order! And the ideas had been swirling...
But the thing that really got me in the groove to design this set was my daughter, Lulu. We went to our first rock concert together this spring. And by first, I mean, the first time she picked the band she reallllllllly wanted to see, and it wasn’t “Mom Music”. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her as giddy as she was at that show!! She was IN. HER. ELEMENT. She can often be found wearing her big puffy headphones, or playing guitar, singing, and writing songs. She’s a poet, a dreamer, and a leader. If anyone deserves a stamp set with a tribute to her favorite things, it’s this lil lady. I borrowed this selfie from her Instagram. (Don’t say anything to her, please, she’ll kill me...)

I realized that when I wanted to make a card for Lulu, Power Poppy did not have a set in our arsenal that fit Lulu’s tastes to a T. I had to get on top of that STAT! (p.s. the one set that would have fit the bill would have been Sassy Succulents, and we WILL get that one back in stock very soon, my friends, very soon!) I worked through lots of sketches and came up with a few images that I think are a sweet tribute to nostalgic rock n’ rollers, with quirky and fun images and sentiments that will light up a card for the tween-to-teen set... or heck, people of any age who appreciate a nice jam! Introducing: Well Played.
I want you to see just how much fun the Bloom Brigade has been having with Well Played...
Let’s Get Rockin’ BLOOMIES!
Kathy Jones
Stacy Morgan
Tosha Leyendekker
Leslie Miller
Christine Okken
Allison Cope
Katie Sims
Cindy Lawrence
Stacy Morgan
Tosha Leyendekker
Leslie Miller
Christine Okken
Allison Cope
Katie Sims
Cindy Lawrence
First of all, I have to say that I love, love, love the name of this stamp set! It is perfect. Secondly, as a music lover and daughter of a man who is the leader of a musical ensemble, I am SO excited to see the full reveal of this set! I am off now to visit each of the Bloomies! I know they have done an outstanding job!
Oh, Marcy, another winner of a set, and what fun! I loved each of the cards by the amazing Bloomies! What a sweet photo of Lulu!! And, yes, this is going to be a fun set for the tweens and teens...but also all those of us who remember the good ole days of Beatles and Beach Boys, etc., etc.! Rock on! Totally love it! Hugs!
Hello and good morning Marcella: Well, I've been looking at the Bloomies sneak peeks of your August release and all I can say is that I'm going to be ordering this sets for sure. The two I've seen are amazing. The one that is called "Well Played" brought back sweet memories of my teen years when I was head over heels in love with Paul Mc. Cartney and I used to have a little aqua record player just like the one in this set, and sat endless hours listening to my Beatles LPs' and dream of meeting the Fab Four. The other set called "So Grateful" is stunning, that sweet chair with the pumpkin full of blooms just took my breath away.
So Marcy, we are ever so very GRATEFUL for having the opportunity to enjoy your amazing images and creative talent. Every time I sit to color one of your images I say to myself "Thank goodness for Marcella....."
Thank you so much for all you do.
Many hugs.
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