
Creative Confetti: Make a Wish!

Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday and welcome to a brand new Creative Confetti! This week we're all about wishes...as in, what do you wish you had growing in your garden that you currently don't? Maybe it's a tropical flower that won't survive in a colder climate, perhaps it's a flower that's considered invasive in your area or maybe it's just something you haven't gotten around to planting yet! Whatever it is, create a project highlighting that flower.

How to Play: Create a project that features a flower or plant that you wish you had growing in your garden!

On to my creation.....

When I first discovered Power Poppy I fell in love with the digital stamp set Bubbles and Fizz. It features an image of Golden Wattle, which I had never heard of before. It's a tree that is native to Australia (and is also their national floral emblem) and it produces the prettiest yellow flowers. I think the flowers look like little pom poms, they are so fun to look at and are just such a happy flower! I would love to line my property with these trees just so I could see those happy yellow flowers all summer!

To start my card I printed out the image from Bubbles and Fizz, resized it to what I wanted for the front of my card and then used my Copics to color it.

After getting the image colored in I decided it looked a little plain to me so I used my B01 and B000 to color in around the image. After doing that I took a white gel pen and added some white dots along the outlines of the leaves just for a little more visual appeal.

When I showed my husband the card he asked me what the flowers were and I told him, and he asked if we could get some for our yard. I wish dear, I wish!

Okay friends, now it's your turn! Let's see the flowers you wish you had in your gardens! If you have Power Poppy stamps, please use them! If not, remember each entry will be one more chance at winning a $25 gift code to the Power Poppy Shop! (That means you might be able to WIN some!)

Have fun!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marisela Delgado said: just gorgeous! mariandmonsterd@yahoo.com